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Feb 28th, 2023
I want to thank everyone on the MaM family team and the Doctors, Nurses, Scientists , and Vaccine Injured who gave of their time and efforts to make our Mississippi Medical Freedom event a special event to inform and educate Mississippians on the dangers of these Covid 19 vaccines.
Limited seating so buy now. First come , first serve.
2 day event $100
VIP Dinner $100
Signed Book $150
Or pay by check
to MS against MANDATES
mail to
232 Market Street,
building K
Flowood, MS 39232
specify "2 day event, VIP Dinner, or Signed Book" on your check.

Call the Hilton to reserve your room
for $119 per night.
Limited rooms available.
601-957-2800 code MMFC2 or go to link below.

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